D1.3 Distributional impacts of trade through employement and income


D1.3 Distributional impacts of trade through employement and income

Executive Summary

The!Deliverable D1.3 proposes indebt analyses of the distributional impacts of trade through employment, wage and income. It is organized in three contributions. The first two applied different!econometric tools to investigate  the impact of change in trade exposure i.e. import penetration and/or export expansion on wages and the labor 
market dynamics, in France and the EU15, respectively. The third contribution, instead proposes a modelling of employment and wage impacts using a Computable General Equilibrium perspective.

The first chapter titled ìImport shocks, wage adjustment, and worker reallocation: evidence from worker-firm matched data explores how import competition affects wages and the reallocation of workers in high-income countries. The research addresses gaps in existing literature by examining both worker and firm-level data to understand 
how import shocks impact earnings and worker movements across firms…